
Zde najdete veškeré dokumenty, potřebné pro možnost vašeho syna/dcery u nás trénovat a hrát.
Here you will find all the documents needed for your son / daughter to train and play with us.
Dokumenty potřebné k trénování:
(Documents needed for training)
k nim donést Foto syna/dcery
poplatek za registraci na FAČR: 100,- Kč
Documents needed to play the Championship Matches:
bring them a photo of the son / daughter
FACR registration fee: CZK 100

souhlas-hrace-s.pdf (160,6 kB)


Other important information for foreign players.
Must be processed and brought to registration:
-Proof of new address in the receiving state of parents
-Parents' work permits - outside the EU
-Employment contract of parents / parents
- Identity and nationality of the player and parents
-birth certificate
-application of registration of a player (foreigner) under 10 years of age.